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White and green candle with a prayer to Saint Lazarus for health

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Health requests, sores, ulcers, epidemics


14 cm


More information

Candle with prayer to Saint Lazarus, to make requests for health and diseases.

What to combine it with?

It can be lit together with other health candles such as the Cura Sana or the Purpose Salud. In addition, it complements very well with candles or eucalyptus candles.

Comments (2)

| 14/06/2020 | Verified purchase
Velón Prayer Saint Lazarus

Pour nous protéger en ces temps de pandémie

| 01/04/2020 | Verified purchase
Velón Prayer Saint Lazarus

Buenos dias! Muy buena Calidad en el producto! Me encanta el surtido que tienen y son de gran ayuda en MIS necesidades y deseos espirituales y fisicos

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