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Talisman "Knock on wood"

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This talisman acts as a protective shield and attracts good luck. It has two faces, each one with a Celtic symbol, one drives away negative energies and protects us from evils and misfortunes. The other calls for good luck and fortune. Its measurements are 3 cm x 3 cm. Excellent finish.


More information

In ancient Celtic culture it was believed that wood served as a channel to be able to invoke deities to protect them from bad energy, it was a symbol of life and vitality. In addition, it helped them avoid tempting fate and protect themselves against negative energies. Thanks to this, today the expression "touch wood" is used, so that when we touch this material it helps us to call luck and ward off bad fortune.

Comments (3)

| 26/02/2025 | Verified purchase
Talisman "Knock on wood"

Envío muy rápido, bien embalado Llego todo en perfecto estado

| 25/01/2025 | Verified purchase
Talisman "Knock on wood"

Me ha gustado mucho

| 18/02/2024 | Verified purchase
Talisman "Knock on wood"

No me gusta, yo soy mas de signos Cabalisticos o nombres de dios.

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Questions (1)


Lo puedo llevar en el bolso,o en la cartera?

Store response | 23/06/2023


se puede llevar donde quiera, pero estaría bien tenerlo a mano para cuando creas puedas cogerlo 


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