Las velas de Mariano
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Natural soap bar for energy protection

£6.03 (£6.03 per 100 g)
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Handmade soap special for the protection of enemies, it protects us from any spell and evil eye. Its measurements are approximately 4.3 cm x 6.5 cm long.




More information

These soaps are ideal to combine after placing our petition candle, as they help us reinforce and maintain the necessary vibrations to continue working on our purposes. We do this through aroma, therefore, it is very important to choose the one that best suits each request.

These soaps are clinically tested and passed through health care, they are very safe for the skin and leave a very pleasant aroma, we recommend using it every time you wash your hands.

The importance of aroma…

Aromas play a very important role in magic. Its journey begins in the nose and ends directly in the brain. Each aroma has very specific properties that can help us with our requests. Attract, enhance, cleanse, relax... even our mood can change when working with a specific aroma. Try our aromas and their different formats and discover which one best suits your energy!

Comments (2)

| 22/09/2022 | Verified purchase
Soap protection purpose

Chiquitín, sin probar todavía pero se ve bien

| 17/08/2022 | Verified purchase
Soap protection purpose

Lo probaré la verdad hay mucha gente con mala vibra ,y me pareció excelente

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The opinions and ratings of the products are mostly made by registered customers who have purchased the product. These reviews appear with a "verified purchase" mark. In any other case this mark does not appear. The rating of the product, out of 5 stars, is obtained with the average of all published reviews of the product. To ensure that the information is useful to other customers, comments and ratings, whether positive or negative, they are published after prior validation.

Questions (2)


Peut-on ce laver entièrement avec le savon ou juste les mains et à chaque fois faut-il faire sa demande merci

Store response | 02/01/2025

Bonjour, nos savons spéciaux sont des savons pour les mains bien qu'ils puissent également être utilisés sur tout le corps en fonction de la propriété énergétique et de la demande que vous faites. L’idéal est de répéter la demande à chaque fois que vous l’utilisez pour maintenir les énergies en mouvement. Merci et salutations


Hola, Cómo se utiliza? Un saludo

Store response | 08/11/2024

Buenos días, no hay una manera específica de utilizar este jabón, pero recomendamos usarlo después de haber hecho alguna petición de protección y sobre todo cuando te lo apliques, visualiza y recuerda la petición de protección que has hecho.


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