Elimination of energies, purification
Incense stick to favor requests that Saturn can enhance.
Properties of Saturn:
It is related to periods of bad luck, it also helps in energetic cleansing. Influence on the way we see reality, our morals, principles, tolerance for situations that affect us ... It defines how we face problems and responsibilities. It is governed by the color black and its maximum influence appears on Saturday.
Hola buenas tardes me gustaría saber si este incienso Saturno concretamente se puede utilizar con el velon san deshacedor para potenciar aun mas la eliminacion de energias negativas. Gracias!
¡Buenos días, Beatriz! Si, el incienso de Saturno complementa muy bien cualquier trabajo de limpieza. Si tienes dudas me dices, saludos.
Muy rico olor
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