Incense prepared to activate the Protective Power or the Law of Cause and Effect of the 7 Universal Laws. The box contains 16 incense sticks. It is recommended to use it accompanied by a white candle to give more strength to the request.
What is the protective power?
The sixth law states that every cause has an effect and every effect has a cause. When we detect something in our life that we do not like, we can look for its cause. When we really know how this law works, we can use it to our advantage, knowing that everything we do or think today will have its consequences tomorrow. Therefore, with our actions we can protect ourselves from what we do not want to happen.
Find out more about our incense!
Incense is considered the quintessential symbol of clean air, which is why it is known as the “miraculous substance”. It is made with natural resins dried and mixed with different woods, leaves or aromatic flowers of various fragrances, hence its powerful and spiritual nature.
Incenses are widely used to harmonize environments, make requests and help achieve states of meditation, relaxation and inspiration. They are a perfect complement to any candlelight request. Once our requests are made, it is customary to smoke for 7 days with incense, to enhance the request and transport our will through the air.
All our incenses are made according to the Hindu artisan tradition.
Me encanta!!! Repetiré !!!
Huele algo fuerte pero es muy bueno
Huele muy bien, crea buen ambiente para pedir.
Olor estupendo
Muy buenos, me ha encantado su olor
un aroma increíble, me ha encantado.
Huele super intenso.
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