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Chakra 2 Svadhisthana Incense Sticks

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Chakra Incense Stick No. 2 is designed for the Svadhisthana chakra, which is related to creativity and sensuality. Its aroma helps to unblock emotional energy and encourages self-expression and connection with emotions. Each box contains 16 sticks.


Weight (grams):
30 cm


More information

Chakra incense is a powerful tool that promotes the balance and harmonization of our vital energy. Each of the seven chakras is associated with different aspects of our lives, such as security, creativity, trust, love, communication, intuition, and spiritual connection. By incorporating these incenses into our daily practice, we can cultivate greater balance and connection with ourselves, thus promoting comprehensive well-being in all aspects of our lives.

Find out more about our incense!

Incense is considered the quintessential symbol of air purification, which is why it is known as the “miracle substance.” It is made from dried natural resins mixed with different woods, leaves, or aromatic flowers of various fragrances, hence its powerful and spiritual nature.

Incense is widely used to harmonize environments, make requests and help achieve states of meditation, relaxation and inspiration. It is a perfect complement to any request with candles. Once our requests have been made, it is customary to smudge for 7 days with incense, to enhance the request and transport our will through the air.

All our incense is made according to the Hindu artisan tradition.

Comments (1)

| 29/07/2022
Incense Stick Chakra 2

Compraré de nuevo sin duda me encanta y para los niños es genial a la hora de dormir

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Questions (1)


Hola, ¿Cuantas varitas de incienso llevan las cajas? Gracias

Store response | 26/05/2020

Hola, los cajetines llevan 16 sticks


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