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Hynddia Toning Body Oil 150ml

Brand: Hynddia Essenti

£9.53 (£6.35 per 100 ml)
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Massage oil with a mixture of essential oils that emit a vibration of strength, increases self-esteem. Open roads


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More information

Hynddia Essenti Toning Body Oil can be used for massages or as an after-shower body oil.

The importance of aroma…
Aromas play a very important role in magic. Their journey begins in the nose and ends directly in the brain. Each aroma has very specific properties that can help us with our requests. Attracting, empowering, cleansing, relaxing… even our mood can change when working with a specific aroma. Try our aromas and their different formats and find out which one best fits your energy!

Comments (1)

| 25/05/2022 | Verified purchase
Hynddia Toning Body Oil

Enamorada del olor y sensaciones que me provoca Necesito envase de más cantidad 💫😍❤️

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