Faceted balls for Feng Shui of different colors. Available in four colors: yellow, pink, blue and purple. The units are very limited, if it cannot be selected from the drop-down it means that it is no longer in stock, and that it will not be replaced again. Its measurements are approximately 5 cm wide.
The units are very limited, if you cannot select it from the drop-down it means that it is no longer in stock, and that it will not be replenished again!
The balls Faceted, also known as crystal balls, are spheres of cut glass with multiple facets. These balls are used in meditation and mental focus practices. Its shape and brightness reflect light in a special way, helping to direct and keep attention on a single point. They can be used as a focus object to calm the mind and promote concentration. They are believed to emit positive and balanced energy. Some people use these balls to harmonize and balance the body's energy fields, thus promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Hola buenos días! Que tamaño tienen las bolas? Podrían especificar para que sirve cada color? En que ayudan? Gracias
Buenas Noelia! Las bolas facetadas miden aproximadamente 5 cm de ancho. Cada color irradia un “Chi” distinto:
Amarillos: fortuna
Rosas: armonía-amor
Azules: salud-comunicación
Transparentes: purificador
Púrpuras: transformación