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Minerals of the 7 Chakras

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Cloth bag with 7 chakra minerals. Each stone comes engraved with the symbology of each energy point in gold. You can work and balance your chakras by placing each mineral in the corresponding point. The measurements of each mineral are approximately 3 cm in diameter, they are made by hand, therefore, they are not calibrated. The bag measures 15.2cm x 11.8cm wide approximately.


More information

What minerals does it contain?

  • Chakra 1: Red jasper
  • Chakra 2: Orange Aventurine
  • Chakra 3: Yellow quartz
  • Chakra 4: Green Aventurine
  • Chakra 5: Lapis Lazuli
  • Chakra 6: Sodalite
  • Chakra 7: Amethyst

What are chakras?

Chakras are centers of energy located along our spine. Each of them regulates a specific area of ​​the body, but not only on a physical level, but also on an emotional, spiritual and energetic level. These 7 points control our energies, that is, they receive, accumulate and distribute them throughout the body. As we can see, they are always active and each vibrating at its particular frequency.

All the chakras are related to each other, that is why, if any of them is blocked or begins to function poorly, our inner balance will be disturbed. On the other hand, if we manage to keep the chakras in balance, we will feel great vital energy and a feeling of both physical and mental well-being. Any state that can be experienced, whether in our body or on a spiritual level, can be associated with a specific chakra.

Care for yourmineral

It is important to take care of our minerals as they gain importance in energy routines. Some minerals provide vitality, strength and luck, others trap bad energies from the environment, reducing their effects on us. Therefore, the first step when receiving a mineral will be to clean it and personalize it to be able to work with it in a more personal way.

We can clean our mineral with different techniques: baths with water and salt, under the light of the full moon, in the earth, with rosewood... It is important to be able to do it in a space harmonized with a candle or incense, to clean the area and your own energies beforehand.

Once our mineral is clean, it is important to charge its energy, and to do this, one option is to expose them to the light of the stars: the moon or the sun. We can also perform some energizing ritual to carry them with their maximum energy.

Comments (1)

| 29/08/2022
Chakras Minerals Bag with Inscription

Las piedras son reales o imitacion?

Store response | 30/08/2022

son reales, son buenos, no son cristales tintados

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Questions (1)


Ce sont quelles pierres ?

Store response | 20/12/2021

Calcite jaune

Aventurine verte

Aventurine rouge

Lapis lazuli

Jaspe rouge


Petit ange


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