21 Wick Candle in red, this candle is ideal for breaking up jobs or situations that we don't want, related to love or sentimental themes. When lit, it has the symbolism of making light reach every corner, it is a candle that perfectly complements a cleaning, after having lit the Prepared Candles of Saint Undoer, Saint Michael the Archangel and Saint Cyprian. Its measurements are 16 cm x 10 cm.
The top wick symbolizes us, while the surrounding wicks represent all the energies and everything that surrounds us. When it is burning, the candle moves the energies to eliminate everything negative that surrounds us and the energy work that has been done to us.
How can we light the 21 Wick Candle?
When lighting our 21 Wicks, it is best to place it on a baking tray covered with silver paper on a flat and stable surface. It is important to keep it away from flammable materials such as fabrics or furniture, since when all 21 Wicks are lit at the same time, a large fire flame is created. A wick is included inside the box to safely light the candle.
At Las Velas de Mariano we preserve manufacturing methods from the 18th century, which is why we make unique pieces taken care of down to the smallest detail. In our manufacturing we only use pure waxes, and we carry out a ritualization and purification process before starting to make candles and candles. In addition, we always seek to work with noble materials of natural origin to maintain the purity of our product. We use special alloy molds, just as the ancient alchemists did, and our wicks are 100% natural cotton braids with specific thicknesses for the correct combustion of each candle.
Many of our candles also come seasoned with herbs, plants and salts. Some of them are visible from the outside, but others we only see when the wax has already been consumed. These added ingredients are special mixtures used as remedies in ancient times, and are different for each request.
For us, candles are dreams, concerns, desires and needs of many people, which is why we continue to work with the best materials to be able to offer effective self-help products within everyone's reach.
< p>Hola, puse el velón de 21 mechas, despues de hacer limpieza con volteo, san miguel y san cipriano (leí en unos comentarios que se podía poner esta vela para complementar la limpieza), las 3 primeras quemaron muy tranquilas, y salvo la de san miguel que se "esparramó" la cera, yo creo que quedaron bastante limpias. Lo que me llamó la atención es que la de 21 mechas, estando en un sitio sin corriente de aire, todas las llamas se iban hacia la izquierda como si hubiera corriente, una vez ya se deshizo la vela, la llama estuvo quemando durante horas. Es normal?, tengo las fotos de como quedaron las velas por si ayuda. Muchas gracias.
Hola Sonia, no te preocupes. Aunque la vela de San Miguel haya derramado algo de cera, lo importante es que haya quemado bien, por lo que no creo que sea algo negativo. En cuanto al velón de 21 mechas, su propósito es cortar movimientos energéticos, y el hecho de que las llamas se haya movido hacia la izquierda puede indicar que está haciendo su trabajo energético de manera adecuada. A menudo, en casa se acumulan energías negativas, y el velón estaría detectando y neutralizando esas energías.
Hola quisiera saber si este velón de siete mechas rojo tambien puede ser para un ser querido?
Buenos días, cualquier velón se puede utilizar para otra persona.
Me ha encantado este producto ☺️, pues necesitaba hacer una limpieza profunda . Recomiendo esta vela y la seguiré comprando, así como las otras velas de 21 mechas y siete mechas , pues son de gran ayuda . Muy agradecida por los consejos que me han dado . Muchas gracias 🙏🏻
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