We are a few days away from the arrival of the Summer Solstice of this 2022, one of the most powerful energetic moments of the year to make requests for purification and to attract new purposes. From Las Velas de Mariano we know that it is very important to take advantage of the strength of this planetary movement in the best possible way, but not every year the energies flow in the same way. For this reason, each year we prepare a different ritual that is adapted to the energetic moment we are going through.
It is essential to know that this San Juan coincides with the energy of the Waning Moon, something that helps us to enhance the purifying energies of tonight. On the other hand, the power of the Sun at its strongest point offers us the necessary strength to start those purposes and goals that we have pending. That is why our ritual focuses above all on these two currents: the solar force and the lunar energy.
In addition, each of the elements of the ritual has a symbology and a specific meaning that give it great strength. This year, we will have the 4 Archangels ruling the cardinal points. We will also work with the energies of the 4 elements of nature and the bonfire as the central point of our ritual.
The month before the Summer Solstice, we began to ritualize our waxes for the manufacture of the candles that make up the Ritual of San Juan. With the waxes already purified and ritualized, we proceed to the artisan manufacture, as our tradition marks, always one by one. Every detail of these candles is taken care of by the hands of our craftsmen. This process of ritualization and craft production is the key factor of its magic.
Because of the great dedication we put into crafts, we make a limited production of this ritual. Remember that you have from the 21st to the 24th to take advantage of the energy of the Solstice 🌞!
This is the last week it will be available through our website.
Don't run out of yours🔥!
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