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Rosewood bracelet and other ways to use sacred wood🙏✨

July 9, 2021

The powerful aroma of Rosewood stimulates positive vibes. This wood is a cleaning and healing tool both in places and in people. Originally it was widely used by shamans in their purifying rituals. Healers also held healing sessions with Palosanto thanks to its therapeutic power.

Rosewood bracelet and other ways to use sacred wood🙏✨

The Palo Santo tree (Bursera Graveolens) is found mainly on the coasts of Ecuador and Peru. Its wood is very dense, oily and gives off a lot of smell . In addition to its therapeutic, energetic and healing uses, its aroma is also widely used as an insect repellent.

At an energetic level, we can use the aroma of rosewood in its different forms to aromatize, balance energies , relieve tension, improve stressful situations and even to help us in meditations or moments of concentration. Burning Palosanto's own way is the traditional way of cleaning with this incense, but ...

There are less classical ways to benefit from its properties that will make you focus!

1. New Rosewood Bracelet!

One of the most recent uses of Rosewood is to wear it as an amulet , and the Rosewood Bracelet is one of the best options for this. It is advisable to always wear it on the left wrist , since it is known as the area where our energy is channeled. Its properties are activated with the movement and heat of your own body, in this way, both you and your surroundings will notice the benefits of the aroma. This bracelet acts as a purifying, calming and protective energy, and is a precious piece of wood carved into balls.

Related product: Rosewood Bracelet
Rosewood Bracelet
2. Rosewood candle to balance energies.

On many occasions you have asked us for a Rosewood Candle , and recently you have it available on the web. It can be used for cleansing, healing or balancing energies, but today we want to explain how to work this energy balance with Rosewood. To perform this little ritual, place a black candle on the left, a white candle on the right, and in the center, the Rosewood Candle . Before lighting them, make your request for harmony and stability , and light the candles in the same order: black, white and central candle. Once they are turned on, view the request you have made for a few minutes.

Related product: Rosewood candle
Rosewood candle
3. Ritual of physical and spiritual cleansing with Rosewood

The spiritual or aura cleansings are worked in a very simple way with the smoke of the Rosewood. The ideal is to pass it through the different spaces and spread it, always from the inside to the outside. Also around the body if your goal is to cleanse the aura. On a physical level, it is also advisable to clean floors and surfaces. You can add Rosewood Water mixed with the scrubbing water and clean the floor with it. You can also spray it mixed with water on your surfaces to clean them of negativity. On a personal level, you can help yourself with Rosewood Water after showering by applying it to the chest, wrists and behind the ears.

Related product: Rosewood Water
Rosewood Water

These simple tricks with Rosewood will help you a lot in your energy balance and protection.

Remember that until next day 18 we give away a 🎁 Citronella Candle 🎁 in all web orders over € 40 ✨

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