Sandalwood is a tree full of magic, which gives us one of the most used aromas in magic and esotericism. This is a tree native to India, which is considered sacred since its extract has powerful effects and a divine influence. The properties of sandalwood can be found in essences, resins, incense and other products with its aroma.
Sandalwood essence is used as a base for many fragrances, as its sweet, floral scent helps in terms of spiritual peace and meditation , as well as attracting good vibes. Its aroma has been widely used by businesses and merchants in eastern countries, as it promotes understanding in communications .
Currently, it is used to carry out spiritual meditations or healings with our past, since its high magic provides us with states in which we will develop our mental power to the maximum and we will be able to release ties from the past. We can also take advantage of this at times when we need to strengthen our memory for studies, at work or other times that require concentration.
Today we leave you 3 different ways to use the aroma of this sacred tree, very useful for your day to day:
You can use it as a stick, cone or by burning the grain incense (made up of shavings from the bark of the tree) with charcoal. As we have already said, its aroma encourages communication, solidarity and fraternity. This favors sales a lot , therefore, we recommend using sandalwood incense before starting work every morning, and making a small visualization of your goal for the day.
In times of study, a lot of work or when we need to do meditations, sandalwood will help us develop our mental capacity , activate concentration and memory . In addition, it can bring peace and quiet at home. Use sandalwood candles while you study or work, also in meditations , reiki sessions and spiritual healings and help yourself with its positive vibrations . You can also enhance it by using the essence of sandalwood in burners or by anointing your candles.
In ancient times, in India, women wrapped their bodies in tree leaves before their romantic encounters. And it is that the aroma of sandalwood has a very particular characteristic: it is very powerful in terms of attraction between people. It stimulates and activates sexual desires , therefore, we recommend that you use it as a daily cologne to take advantage of all the influence of its aroma.
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