When we speak of transmutation, we speak of transforming or changing the nature of an element. In alchemy, the aim was to transform some elements into superior ones, such as lead into gold. This process is chemically possible by carrying out molecular and atomic modifications.
Currently, the term of transmutation applies to the being or the soul. This is a work and an evolution at an energetic, spiritual and mental level that seeks to eliminate and change obsolete behaviors and thoughts for new and positive ones. We can transmute negative feelings such as hatred, resentment or envy into love, harmony or forgiveness. We can also change behaviors such as judging or criticizing to help or understand.
In situations as complicated as the one we are experiencing, this shift in consciousness is more necessary than ever. This process of personal growth will help us to face changes or needs that come with a positive and committed attitude. It is about learning to change negative reactions that arise unconsciously, such as rivaling, excluding or disqualifying, working in a new paradigm where we will first look for the positive.
Sometimes, there are situations that are stagnant for years and the mind cannot overcome or erase, then it is when we must think about what we want to transform. But…
As we already know, energy is not destroyed, it is transformed . Therefore, we have the ability to change those negative charges that we receive into positive energies. According to metaphysics, some of the 7 Rays of Light can help achieve this shift in consciousness. More specifically, the flame or violet light , which represents forgiveness, transmutation and liberation.
Start by visualizing what you want to transform - we recommend that you start with small changes. Imagine how all this is enveloped by the violet light in order for it to transmute and be released . You can also ask Archangel Zadkiel for help , in charge of transforming negative thoughts into love.
Before doing this exercise, light a 7 Ray Candle or Archangel Zadkiel Prayer Candle to help you find that state of meditation and visualization. You can also help from other Archangels like Metatron or Archangel Michael or from prayer candles like the Great Invocation or Saint Germain's . Do this exercise regularly and work on that shift in consciousness.
The sum of this transmutation and change of consciousness of each individual will contribute to generate that change so necessary today to sustain our universe.
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