It has happened to all of us that certain smells remind us of moments, people, places ... And the sense of smell is located in our brain in the same place as emotions and sentimental responses. But why does scent play a key role in love?
Our senses are those that provide us with all the information from the outside, offering perceptions that are transformed into knowledge. But smell, classified as the sense of memory , activates the primary cortex of the brain, linking odors to the sensations and emotions that we feel at that time.
Our brain is capable of storing and differentiating up to 10,000 different odors , therefore, when we automatically perceive an odor, the brain acts to relate it to some sensation. In the case of love this is further enhanced, since there are aromas that stimulate our brain to enhance attraction .
Humans are sentimentally chosen based on sensory terms, and the first of these senses to act is always smell. Men and women have different preferences and feelings about odors , just as their responses to an aroma can also be different. But we can all feel the effect of certain essences on our emotions .
As we have seen, aromas have the capacity to generate emotions, and these are more acute in the love field. The scent of our partner is impregnated in our senses from the moment we hug her, and it becomes stronger if we share a bed, since we sleep with that smell, feeling it as an aroma of calm and security .
In addition, the pheromones released by our body are very important: they activate an organ called Veremonasal, which activates emotional and physical responses, increasing desire, attraction and pleasure. For this reason, when pheromones activate this organ and we are attracted to a person, our hearts race and we lack breath.
In the end, everything is a matter of chemistry and connection, and from Las Velas de Mariano we take great care of all the aromas of our products, focusing on specializing our smells for different situations and requests.
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