Much is said about the properties and benefits of honey candles. But it is important to know when and why to put them.
Honey candles are known as the most powerful for rituals and requests. Honey is considered one of the essential elements of nature, something that gives these candles the power to help us in our requests. Lighting them is highly recommended to attract harmony, luck and prosperity.
They are also highly recommended to attract love and affection, since their sweetness emits a vibration that can serve like other rituals since they will enhance the attraction of the request.
Honey is a powerful sweetener that has been used in natural medicine for millennia, and its power lies in it. Our artisanal manufacturing methodology allows its properties to be maintained to the maximum. Our honey candles are made layer by layer with the best honey waxes.
With this artisan manufacturing style we symbolize the tree of life, where the most ancient vibration of the trees will help attract positive energy and good wishes, both to the person and to their environment.
In addition, we specially manufacture them with 44 layers. Thanks to this, they offer a very powerful vibration due to the strength of the master number. Number 44 has great energy, power and good judgment. It also helps increase the chances of success in our projects, whether personal, work or future.
On the 11th of each month it emits a special energy ideal to light a honey candle. This master number is also related to the awakening of the higher consciousness and the reunion with our divine essence.
It is important to be clear about the request that we want to make, since the power of these candles is high. However, we can also turn it on without making any request to enhance the positive aspects of our life: health, money, happiness, family, work ... In addition, if the moon is rising we will further enhance the request.
If we have not managed to put it on the 11th, the 22nd also offers a favorable energy for honey candles. The 22 represents the universal, the realization and the achievements. It is a great channeler, as a good master number, and is related to the collective benefit.
If you have not tried them yet ... You are on time!
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