Dowsing is a pseudoscience based on the fact that electromagnetic impulses can be perceived by those who have a higher sensitivity. Instruments such as pendulums or rods stimulate the senses and amplify external radiation.
In the past, dowsing began this practice to detect energetic vibrations from the outside or inside the earth. Initially they were famous for finding the most favorable sites for digging wells. The Romans also used this technique to find hot springs or as a divination method. More recently, in World War I and II, this technique was used to find mines and submarines.
Humans, animals, vegetables and minerals, as well as any element created by man, contain vibrations that correspond to a broad electromagnetic spectrum. Therefore, vibrations and energies are believed to be expressions of life at different levels and degrees.
The name 'Radiesthesia' is made up of the Latin word radius -which means radiation-, and the Greek word aithesis -which means perception, capacity to feel.
The downers enter the magnetic fields and the energy spreads throughout your body. Once these electromagnetic fields are discovered, the wand or pendulum rotates and moves around itself by vibrations .
All bodies emit magnetic vibrations and the dowser, before starting the search, prepares their mind to focus on what they want to find. That is why they can differentiate different vibrations, whether from metal, water currents or even people.
Not all people have that perception developed. Our culture has predominantly developed the rational functions of our brain, leaving aside aspects such as intuition, subjectivity and the sixth sense. For this reason, the experts assure that not all people can carry out this activity.
Currently, this technique is used to:
In addition, the oldest uses such as finding minerals, water or people are also carried on. Dowsing is considered a useful alternative to find our cosmic origin and discover the answers to all our doubts.
Pendulums can be constructed of any material, and must be attached to the hand through a flexible link , such as a chain or rope. To obtain a good performance, it is important that the weight has a symmetrical shape .
This instrument is the most used for dowsing, and is used by grasping the rope or chain with the index finger and thumb, obtaining a turn response or a change in the axis of oscillation.
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