Decorative piece with the Flower of Life symbol inlaid with amber. Ideal for decorating your spaces and taking advantage of the energies of your favorite symbols. Includes a hole to hang it and magnets to hook it on a metal surface. Its measurements are 11cm in diameter.
Amber is a natural substance that is formed from the resin of trees such as pines and firs. Over millions of years, the resin fossilizes, hardening and transforming into what we know as amber. It often contains inclusions, such as insects or plant objects trapped in the resin when it solidified.
In the spiritual world, amber is considered an amulet of protection, purification and energetic connection. It is considered to have properties to relieve stress and anxiety, as well as increase vitality and mental clarity. It is also associated with the attraction of love and emotional harmony.
The "Flower of Life" is a geometric symbol that has deep roots in sacred geometry. Its symbolism is based on the geometric structure of multiple overlapping and interlocking circles. It is used to represent the creation, unity and interconnection of all things in the universe. It has been used throughout history in various cultures as a tool for meditation, healing and the search for spiritual truth.
At Las Velas de Mariano we preserve manufacturing methods from the 18th century, which is why we make unique pieces taken care of down to the smallest detail. In our manufacturing we only use pure waxes, and we carry out a ritualization and purification process before starting to make candles and candles. In addition, we always seek to work with noble materials of natural origin to maintain the purity of our product. We use special alloy molds, just as the ancient alchemists did, and our wicks are 100% natural cotton braids with specific thicknesses for the correct combustion of each candle.
Many of our candles also come seasoned with herbs, plants and salts. Some of them are visible from the outside, but others we only see when the wax has already been consumed. These added ingredients are special mixtures used as remedies in ancient times, and are different for each request.
For us, candles are dreams, concerns, desires and needs of many people, which is why we continue to work with the best materials to be able to offer effective self-help products within everyone's reach.
La flor de la vida de Ámbar aproximadamente 18 Euros podrían indicarme composición de la misma . Uno el Ámbar y el resto Estaría interesada en una de ellas Me indican Cristina Rodríguez Fernandez
La Flor de la Vida de Ámbar está fabricada con ámbar y madera tallada. El ámbar es conocido por ser una resina fosilizada con propiedades energéticas muy especiales, como atraer energías positivas, promover la paz interior y proteger contra influencias negativas. La combinación con la madera tallada hace de esta pieza un artículo decorativo lleno de significado y energía.